You get to feel good

pleasure Mar 10, 2022

Do you struggle to let yourself feel good and enjoy your life, especially when the world is on fire?

Do you feel guilty for your privilege and wonder who the f am I to get to prioritize my joy and happiness?

Are you often stuck in your head solving problems, even ones that don’t exist yet, instead of enjoying what’s right in front of you?

Are you looking for all the things that are wrong in your life instead of the things that are right?

If you answered yes to any of the above, ooof do I feel you!

What would it be like to practice letting in any amount of joy and pleasure in your life that you can access?

Even with the bed unmade, messy hair, laundry in the floor, dishes in the sink, existential crises and good-hearted intentions abounding

You still get to feel good

That’s the lesson pleasure is here to teach you

If there were a magic pill or secret sauce to make errything in your life feel better, we’re talking work, life, relationships, parenting, confidence, body image, purpose and more… figuring out how to connect to pleasure in your daily life would be it!

But the secret sauce only works if you use it…

I’m offering you the chance to see for yourself. Join me for four days of simple pleasure practices to plug back into your body and fuel up with pleasure!

Each day from March 22nd to 25th you’ll receive an email from me with a new video of a practice to try

Each video is 5-7 minutes and gives you everything you need to get a quick hit of energy from the most nourishing and sustainable source — YOU!

The modules are as follows

🌹 Day 1: Embodied pleasure

🌹 Day 2: Erotic breathwork

🌹 Day 3: Sensual touch

🌹 Day 4: Grounding

These are simple short practices using breath, awareness and gentle self touch that you can do at your desk, in between meetings or while moming.

It’s five-ish minutes a day for four days. Can you make this commitment to yourself?

If you’re already signed up — yay! I’m celebrating you and so excited for you to experience this magic.

Mark your calendars and get ready to spice up your life!

Know someone who could benefit? Send them here and tell ‘em to sign their booty up for this life changing free experience!


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