I am a full-bodied YES! to my life ❤️✨

empowerment Dec 15, 2022

I am a full-bodied YES! to my life and no, it has not always been this way...

I was sitting on the couch in our living room last night with our gorgeous tree glowing with lights, a fireplace video complete with crackling soundtrack on the TV and my altar of candles and flowers on the hearth, Maggie snoring soundly on the rug while I'm snugged on the couch reading my Ayurveda book

Lucien is unboxing his new VR toy which is making intermittent strange beeps, lights vibrations and whirring noises during the set-up process

And all I can feel is the huge expansion in my chest that almost feels like my heart is being pulled apart and breaking but like in a mostly pleasant way

This is what my body's full-bodied YES feels like ❤️❤️❤️

Past Alyssa would have been *so* annoyed by this deep sacred precious peace being so rudely interrupted as it has often been this football season

Past Alyssa would have retreated to the bedroom, put in her noise cancelling headphones and been a bit icy all night


completely given up her own desires of peacefully reading to jump into the dominant energy in the room and been resentful the next week when she had compromised what she wanted enough times until the breaking point 💣🌋💥

Current Alyssa can take it all in from that calm place inside her that knows how to choose what she wants. She can enjoy the scene, her book and even Lucien's occasional exclamations and sighs when the thing isn't working the way he wants yet

This is what healing looks like

This is the tantric path

If you google tantra you'll find a lot of articles for tantric sex, that is not tantra

Tantra is the philosophy for achieving enlightenment not in a temple, church or a monastery, but while working, having a family, raising kids and otherwise having a full messy beautiful human experience, not cloistered away in a mythical place where every possible need and worry is taken care of

We all have that fantasy from time to time, but what if instead of fantasizing about having everything magically fixed, you leaned in to the discomfort, to the pain, to the resistance and just saw what happened

While I do not claim to or expect to achieve enlightenment in this lifetime, I will settle for the inner peace and harmony I've found on this path

This path that acknowledges the consciousness and possibility for love, joy, connection, beauty, healing, energy in everything. Yes, even the VR headset ;)

As I was sitting there on the couch I felt how far I've come towards fully accepting and integrating so many aspects of my life and relationship

And let me tell you, it feels fucking fantastic and frees up SO. MUCH. ENERGY. that used to be bound up internally (or very loudly) fuming about something or fighting with my partner or self

Acceptance and integration are the work of a lifetime

But you get to start exactly where you are

If you are not a full-bodied YES to your life right now, you owe it to yourself to (1) figure what a full-bodied YES feels like ;) and (2) start moving towards that!

I have 1:1 coaching spots available to start now or in the new year and there are only a couple – hit reply or book a free call with me now

You deserve to be a full bodied yes to your life. If you're ready to claim that, I'd love to hear from you

XO Alyssa


My VITA Coaching certification stands for the Vital and Integrated Tantric Approach (VITA). The way I approach my work is by seeing the consciousness in everything. We work towards accepting the pieces of ourself we'd rather judge and through the wisdom and healing capacity of our body. Allowing our inner peace, freedom and power to naturally emerge.

Let's chat!


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