Ready to feel Alive Again? Join us! 🥂

pleasure Mar 04, 2021

Do you find yourself feeling exhausted and overwhelmed about everything on your plate?

In the spirit of undoing the burnout-inducing patterns of overworking and overgiving, I'm always asking myself how I can do less, while having more fun and creating a bigger impact.⁠

I have a pink post-it on my desk that I look at everyday that asks me how I need to care for myself and how I need to show up for work that day. After I map that out, I ask myself:

How can I make this all feel more fun, safe, and pleasurable?⁠

So many of us overachievers are driven by deep feelings of unworthiness, fear, doubt and complex emotional trauma that drives us to work harder because we learned early on that achievement was a way we could earn love.⁠

It's healing to interrupt this pattern by creating a sense of safety, ease and pleasure as you work.⁠

Curious how this works? Intrigued that I talk about pleasure and burnout in the same sentence?⁠

Join us for the free workshop series Alive Again I’m leading next week!

If you’re already signed up - yay! I’m so excited to be with you next week. If not…

Here are all the reasons why you should sign up:

  • You’ll come away with a deeper understanding of your own burnout patterns, what's behind them and how you can work with them
  • You can have your camera on and be super engaged with us or totally not - up to you
  • Even if you don’t join live, you can watch the recordings later
  • You’re going to get a workbook and a brand new pleasure as medicine meditation
  • Even if you don’t watch the recordings, you’re going to get $$ off my signature program!
  • The head of women’s programming at Google is joining us, so that’s fun ;)

I'm on a mission to show as many ambitious women as possible that they can be wildly successful and avoid burnout by learning to use pleasure as a business and self-care strategy. Join us and be a part of the pleasure revolution!

XO, Alyssa


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