I have been working more than I expected since I went on vacation 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿✨❤️

empowerment Aug 12, 2022

I have been working more than I expected since I went on vacation 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿✨❤️

And that might be confusing for some of you that I’m helping with boundaries and taking time for yourself

The thing is we are in different situations 😂

I am not burned out

I work less than I ever have in my life

I make my own schedule and only work with a handful of women I genuinely adore and love to support

I am lit up and passionate about my work. It is my mission

I genuinely like what I do

And when I’m traveling I often have a ton of creative ideas and things to say!

I’m not going to not write them down and share them with you because I’m “supposed to” be on vacation

Vacation is for doing what you want and I genuinely want to work!

I’ve been posting more than usual, supporting with clients, chatting with folks about radiance collective and welcoming new folks in!

And it’s freaking amazing that I can do that all from my phone anywhere in the world

So yes if my mind is exploding with things I need to share while also jet lagged AF I might just get up at 5 am and to work because it’s what I want to do

And vacation is for doing what you want!

If you’re ready to eliminate “supposed to” from your vocabulary and be true to yourself, join us in radiance collective!

If you’ve been reading my posts and have looked at the details page a few times…maybe it’s time to follow that pull ;)

Here to chat with you if you have any questions ❤️


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