What moon wisdom can do for you ✨

burnout empowerment Oct 13, 2022

Guess what? I just directly invited 404 women from my LinkedIn network to join me in Moon Wisdom! Talk about a major “asking for what I want” edge 🙈

I am so passionate and so clear that this is what I am meant to be talking and teaching about right now that I am taking uncomfortable actions like this to get this message out there!

One of the lessons the moon has taught is that when things are aligned, they fall into place so much more easily and so much more quickly than you ever could’ve imagined.

Moon Wisdom is a vibe, a force and a whole motherf*cking way. of. life.

Before I really learned to implement moon wisdom, my to-do list haunted me everywhere I went and because it never went to zero, I rarely felt proud, accomplished or relaxed.

I felt overwhelmed by all the demands and responsibilities of my life and felt like I had to white knuckle it through my day to force myself to get shit done (hahah alignment – wtf is that?)

There was a good five year period where I was so overwhelmed and burned out that I often dreaded plans on my schedule – even fun ones – because all I wanted to do was go home and couldn’t really enjoy being social.

When I practice moon wisdom, I feel a sense of calm trust that I can get everything done on my to-do list because I know if it’s there it’s important and it’s aligned.

When I look at my calendar, I feel a sense of calm relief remembering I scheduled time for restorative and reflective practices to take the very best care of myself.

When I do go out with friends, I genuinely look forward to it and am so stoked to be there because I’ve prioritized time with myself first.

Throughout the course of the day, I remember to pause, breathe and peek at the moon in the sky and when I do, I remember – just now, in this moment, everything is actually okay ❤️

Moon wisdom has supported me in so many ways, including:

  • Harnessing periods of wild creativity and productivity to further my career
  • Healing burnout and doing work in a way that honors my energy and needs
  • Validating my own emotional experience without shame
  • Feeling a deeper sense of belonging to the world and the universe
  • Feeling grounded by a regular monthly (moonly) cadence of intention setting and reflection
  • Feeling connected to feminine wisdom while working in a male-dominated industry

If you would love to feel these shifts in your life too, join my free workshop!

Moon Wisdom for Modern Wisdom 🌒 happening Wednesday, October 26th

It’s free, probably won't happen again and if you can’t join live, you’ll get the recording after so sign up!

I want every woman to have access to this information – please share as you're moved to do so.


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