What happens when you feel confident from the inside out

burnout empowerment Jul 23, 2020

When was the last time you can remember feeling truly confident?

Paint the picture – where were you? what were you doing? what were you wearing? how did you feel?

It doesn't matter if it was last week or last decade, if you can remember a time when you felt truly in your power, comfortable in your own skin and in charge, you know what I mean when I say...

When you feel confident from the inside out, not because of praise or awards, something clicks inside⁠

⁠⚡️You feel more powerful than you've ever felt

⚡️You feel more free than you've ever felt

⚡️You feel more capable than you've ever felt

And you don't just feel this way, you actually are more powerful, free and capable when you deeply believe in and know your own strength!

When you feel confident from the inside out, you no longer have to play the game to work hard to get praise and get stuck in that cycle that sucks your soul and leaves you burnt out⁠.

...but don't get me wrong, you *can* play the game, and you'll be a rockstar at it, but you don't *have* to play the game to feel good about yourself...see the difference?⁠⁠

💥 When you feel confident from the inside out, you speak up for yourself and voice your opinions boldly⁠

💥 When you feel confident from the inside out, you dare to dream⁠⁠

💥 When you feel confident from the inside out, you actually trust and believe in yourself⁠

If this feels like a far off dream, hang with me. I don't disagree that it can be a journey to build this depth of confidence but I know you can do it.

Here are some questions to get started:

1️⃣ What supports you to feel confident?⁠

2️⃣ What part of you is already deeply confident in your abilities?

3️⃣ What would change in your life if you lived from this place?⁠⁠

Let me know 🙋 if you would be interested in a virtual masterclass on this topic! I'm thinking of putting something together in August.⁠..

Seems fitting as a Leo to host a class on embodied confidence in my birth month ;)


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