Pleasure is still the best medicine

pleasure Apr 17, 2020

Let's be real, the past few days have been ROUGH.

I've felt sadder and more down than I have in awhile. Shit has been hard, but today, well today is a good day.

I'm still riding the high from our first Pleasure as Medicine class that was πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

🌟 We dove into the neuroscience of why the embodiment and meditation practices I teach help rewire our brains for deep integration and alignment, giving you more agency and more freedom to create the live you most want.

🌟 We talked about prioritizing pleasure as a tool to rewire our habits of putting everything -- our job, partners, social lives -- before ourselves.

🌟 We talked about reclaiming our sense of worthiness and using mindfulness to enhance pleasure and create neural pathways to experience more pleasure in our daily lives.

And even better, WE PRACTICED.

We didn't just talk about this stuff. We did THE ACTUAL WORK of building our skills of interoception and deep self-love and acceptance with a guided a body scan and sensory awakening practice. It was epic.

It is such a honor to get to teach other women who have been grinding their whole lives how to reclaim their own bodies as sources of nourishment and find ways to feel ENOUGH without constantly having to prove themselves.

These are the exact tools that I wish I had had when I was at Google. These are the tools that have helped me end the cycle of burnout, live life on my own terms and become a more whole, authentic, and confident version of myself.

And to top it off, a podcast interview I did with my friend Caitlin Ball on Pleasure as Medicine was selected to be featured on Thrive Global! I'm too embarrassed to actually listen to myself talk about my own vulnerabilities and journey of self-discovery but YOU CAN!

Here's the link to the podcast:

And here's the Thrive Global article:

I'm taking things one day at a time right now and today is one for celebration!

xo Alyssa


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