Iโ€™ve been hiding something from you ๐Ÿ™ˆ

pleasure Nov 11, 2021

Do you ever hide because you’re afraid of failing?

Hide from your truth
Hide from your dreams
Hide from your potential
Hide from what’s meant for you

Even if you’re not consciously aware of doing this, maybe some part of you feels heard as you read these words

Yeah, me too

I’ve been hiding something from you and when I confessed to my coach this morning I realized I was hiding because I was afraid of failing...sound familiar?

There are so many sneaky ways our brain and body try to keep us safe from the potential pain of failure, and in so doing hold us back from what’s most meant for us

Now that I’ve realized I can survive the worst case failure scenario, I feel unblocked. Things feel clearer and I feel energized and ready to share this with you!

Once I confronted the fear I realized nothing was wrong, I was on the right track and everything’s okay.

Sometimes all we need is a safe enough space to check in with ourselves about what’s really going on in order to get unblocked so we can keep moving forward.

So with that...I want to share what I’ve been hiding!

...An amazing opportunity to work with me in my most intimate transformative group container at my most accessible rates ๐ŸŽ‰

You may have heard whispers of this group I’ve been leading for the past year...it’s called The Radiance Collective โœจ

It’s an epic intimate six-month program for a very specific group of driven women who are ready to step into leadership, radiance and connection in allll aspects of life.

This group will support you to embody your feminine essence, trust your body’s wisdom, and experience epic sisterhood.

Starting in January, we meet every week for a group coaching and embodiment practice call. You get so much support from me and the group.

We explore a different theme each month like the fundamentals of health, boundaries like a boss, and love your body for real.

Six months of weekly support with 3 integration weeks. $555/month for nine months.

There isn’t a sales page for this program. If you know it’s for you, claim your spot. Or message me that you’re thinking about it and not sure!

There are only 10 spots available, total. We begin in January.

You’ve got three weeks to decide before the early bird discount and extended payment plan offer expires on Saturday, November 27th.

Want to give yourself the best holiday present ever?? Lock in the best start in 2022 now

I’m so excited to share this with you and can’t wait to see what this next group will hold!



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