I need you to believe it’s possible 👑

empowerment Nov 24, 2021

I need you to believe it’s possible.

It’s possible to feel better. It’s possible to follow what you know is meant for you. It’s possible to do what you’re most called to do, and be well taken care of. The choices you’ve been presented with aren't the only options.

It's okay if you've never done anything like this before. It's okay if you're a little bit scared

It's okay to jump anyway.

I know some of you have been wondering what we're actually up to in Radiance Collective so here is my attempt to explain...

The thing is it's also magic.

Without fail, like 90% of our calls this past year in this program, the check-ins the women shared tied directly into the topic I had in mind for that week.

This program is an experience of stepping into a container where we decide:

We decide you get to rest and heal your burnout

We decide you get to meet the love of your life

We decide you get to learn how to take amazing care of your body, mind and spirit

We decide you get to fall deeply in love with yourself

We decide you get to follow those inner nudges to fulfillment and purpose

We decide what happens

So until I know who is in this next program and we have our opening virtual retreat, I can't actually tell you exactly what we're up to in this container cause we're creating it together.

This is not a huge generic online program you’re stepping into. It’s custom, personalized transformative support designed exactly for you and the other women in the program.

What I can tell you is we practice showing up. We show up every week at the same time.

You show up for yourself. You show up for your sisters. You just practice showing the fuck up. That in and of itself has been transformative for women in this program. Building the muscle of consistency and self-trust.

I love this program so freaking much because it's REAL. We see one another every week for six whole months. There's no hiding. There's no performing. Instead we practice being seen, witnessed, loved, understood and celebrated though all the inevitable phases and cycles of life.

The general format is we show up, dance it out to shake off the day, meditate depending on what's needed, then each woman does a "check-in" to share what's alive for her. The group offers support, I offer coaching.

Next we dive into the topic for that month. I might guide a live journaling exercise, lead a Taoist or Tantric meditation or embodiment practice or simply talk.

This program and my work in general is informed by: Integrative Health, Neurolinguistic Programming, Shadow Work, Co-active Coaching, Somatic Coaching, Parts Work, Taoism and Tantra.

What happens in this program is unique to each woman but I’ve seen it go something like this...

Slowly, but surely you trust yourself more. You know you can handle shit. You feel brave enough to make changes. You take exquisite care of yourself because you know you deserve it.

You discover deep wells of self love, trust and personal power. You feel at peace with your body. Make friends with yourself. Lay down the armor. Learn to be soft. Learn to be led. Learn to take fierce action. Learn to treat yourself like the Queen that you are.

If this sounds alluring, I invite you to step in

to this program
to your power
to your decision

Earlybird ends this Saturday 11/27! Find all the details and how to sign up here.

I don’t know of any other program that provides this deep level of individual guidance and support at this monthly price point.

I'm around to answer your questions or hop on a call, you just have to reach out!

If you want this, decide you get to have it ✨


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