There’s so much noise and misinformation around women having it all. Here’s what I believe to be true.
First wave feminists fought for women having it all – the vote, the job, the family, the board seat, the social life.
This myth of having it all, and all being “the picture perfect life” left a lot of women dry, depleted and void of vibrancy.
Because at the end of the day, having it all meant DOING it all, on your own, working all day, child-caring all night, and somehow volunteering in the spaces in between.
I am so grateful to the women who paved the way for me to want more than this.
Because I *do* want it all and I believe you can have it too.
But to me, having it all means having what you truly deeply want.
Not what you think you *should* want
Not what your parents want for you
Not what society tells you to want
Not what your friends want
What YOU want.
Because OF COURSE you get to have what is most meant for you.
It’s outrageous to think you couldn’t.
So yes, I believe you can have all of what is meant for you.
Getting honest about what we deeply truly want can be one of the hardest things we do.
We keep ourselves safe from the pain of disappointment, embarrassment and failure by thinking that we don't know what we want.
But what if you did know???
Could you be brave and courageous enough to name what you want even if it feels far away and you have no idea how to get there?
That's where the magic starts ✨
If you're desiring support and accountability around creating the life you truly desire, I would love to support you.
I have one 1:1 coaching spot open this month for just the right person, message me to set-up a call and see if we're a good fit.
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